2024 Press Release
Discover Medina's vibrant history with Spirits of the Past
MCAC will once again provide scholarship opportunities to Medina County students
MCAC awards $1,500 to assist with tuition and fees for students in need
2023 Press Releases
MCAC announces grants for Arts in Education
MCAC Presents its 40th Annual Arts Week
2023 Organization grant recipients and scholarship winners
MCAC announces $9,000 in funding for organization grants and scholarships opportunities
2022 Press Releases
MCAC celebrates 39th annual Arts Week July 9-17
MCAC looking for Chocolate Walk sponsors and chocolatiers
MCAC announces over $9,000 in grant funding and scholarships opportunities
2021 Press Releases
MCAC Announces 2021 Deck the House Challenge Winner
MCAC’s Deck the House Holiday Lights Challenge and Tour Returns
MCAC-CAC Digital Art Workshops for Students
MCAC Awards Grants for School Projects
MCAC Announces 2021 Scholarship Winners
MCAC Announces Arts Week Lineup
2020 Press Releases
Holiday Lighting Challenge to be held by Medina County Arts Council
Medina County Arts Council welcomes new trustees, announces grants
Throughout the year, Medina County Arts Council awards grants to local organizations with an arts-centered focus, grants for Medina County arts educator/teacher projects and for scholarships for graduating Medina County seniors.
Medina County Arts Council (MCAC) awarded a total of $5,000 to county organizations with an arts-centered focus or arts related projects. To be eligible, applicant organizations must have 501(c)(3) status or be associated with educational, religious or recovery organizations. Click HERE to view recipients.
MCAC awarded $4,000 in various scholarships to Medina County seniors graduating in 2024 who have been actively involved in the arts during high school and are continuing their education at a technical school, 2-year, or 4-year institution. Click HERE to view scholarship recipients.
The Arts Council award $4,500 in grant funding for Medina County educators to support arts-related projects for their students.
The application window for scholarships concluded on October 1, 2023.
These grants are designed to promote, strengthen, and enhance the arts and arts education in Medina County’s elementary and secondary schools and other community settings. This includes, but is not limited to, the disciplines of music, visual art, theater, dance, and language arts. The grants are intended to aid teachers in funding an innovative and substantive project that might be outside of their principal’s budget.
The board will make a decision and select the recipients during October for distribution of funds to take place in November of 2023.
We are happy to fund project supplies or fees for services. It is not intended to pay for regular classroom materials, or fund routine assignments. Expenses worthy of the grant might be to fund a guest musician in your classroom, to pay for art supplies for a new or experimental project, or to purchase scripts needed for a special performance. While there is no funding limit on each grant we award, in the past we have awarded several grants of approximately $400. We can fund complete projects or partial if your project is beyond our scope.
Wadsworth artist and MCAC Board member Paulette Grubb created this holiday window display in the Wadsworth Chamber storefront to promote the Medina County Arts Council.
MCAC submitted this entry for Main Street Medina’s Scarecrow Contest from October through November. We didn’t win, but had fun doing it!
The Cliffside Artist Collaborative held free Art Awareness Workshops to 15 high school students in November and December. These workshops were provided with help from Access The Arts and The Medina County Arts Council with support from The Martha Holden Jennings Foundation.
MCAC Vision Statement: “The Medina County Arts Council along with our friends and partners is committed to inspire each generation to experience and participate in the arts through outreach and promotions; to enrich the quality of life and celebrate our artistic heritage; to make art accessible to all people throughout Medina County; to advocate for all forms of artistic expression essential to building vibrant, diverse, and inclusive communities; to encourage education, career opportunities, and entrepreneurship in the arts; and to continue sustaining and growing the organization.”
Digital Art Workshop instructor Don King provided students with iPads and Procreate software, a unique and creative tool the students used to create expressive sketches, rich paintings, gorgeous illustrations and beautiful animations anytime, anywhere. Here is some of their work.